Thursday 21 March 2013

21/03/13 - Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a web-series adaptation of 'Pride and Prejudice'

People have been reading the 200 year old book 'Pride and Prejudice' for... well 200 years. And there have been many different adaptations of it.

But the one we're going to be focusing on is The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a web-series adaptation currently consisting of 98 episodes, it will be finishing when it reaches its hundredth episode next week.

The web-series is set in 2012-2013 around a 24(25 as of monday) year old grad student studying mass communications (Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Bennet) who started to make vlogs for her thesis project. She starts it as a few weeks to explore her life and her family, until 'Mr Darcy' (Just called Darcy in this version) enters her life and acts like a complete ass, quite a lot of her videos are focused on the bad things he's done, but not as many as you would expect, they stick as close to the book as a modern version of it can go, they meet at a wedding instead of a ball and are forced to dance together because of the tradition of the girl who catches the bouquet and the boy who catches the garter must dance. And from there on it just goes down hill. Her sisters are a big part of it, except Mary and Kitty, who in this adapted version are not her sisters, Kitty is Lydia's cat and Mary is their 'emo' cousin.

It's amazingly put together and it makes it feel real, especially with it's use of transmedia, you can speak to the characters in the comments or communicate to them via twitter or tumblr or even facebook. In episode 97 throughout the whole thing there was a mic in the corner of the screen, but because of how real it feels and the fact Lizzie apparently films it all herself and her friend Charlotte edits it, all of the fans fought that because it's a vlog and you need microphones that it could be Lizzie's error, not the production teams (even though it was)

It's a brilliantly made adaptation and I cannot wait for Bernie Su and Hank Green to decide whether they're going to make another one or not.

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