Wednesday 13 March 2013

13/03/2013 - General information on the show 'Once Upon A Time'

So a new TV show that debuted last year under the title of 'Once upon a Time' is now growing more and more popular. In the first season of OUAT it had a very low budget per episode and almost every fairytale set was green screened, now with the growing success of the show, the effects are slowly getting better.

During this second season Once Upon A Time is now a top  grossing show in the US and is rivalling another show 'Castle' for the 6th spot.

I guess I should probably tell you what the show is about.

Once upon A Time is a TV show where all the fairytale characters you knew (or think you knew) get cursed to live in frozen time in the real world - our world, without memories of who they really are - until Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter turns 28 and saves them all. Now that sounds nice and girly, but it's really not, it's full of dark plots and there is a lot of mutilation of the characters, how Snow was a thief before she met charming, how Red Riding Hood is actually the wolf and her granny is the bad-ass hunter, how Rumplestilitskin runs everything and is 'the dark one', it's full of murder and lies and they try to make a 10 year boy think he's mental, an evil queen who is the mayor of the town, killing anybody who tries to leave or locking them up in an insane asylum.

It's labeled as a 'Family Show' but with all the sex and violence being introduced it's really not staying that way. 

Season 2 and the curse is broken, Snow White, also known as Mary Margaret and her husband Prince Charming, also known as David Nolan, come to terms with learning that the baby they sent away 28 years ago is almost their own age and has a son with none other than The Dark One's son who is a thief and framed her for a watch robbery landing her in prison to have her child because Pinocchio convinces him it's the right way to go.

Mary Margaret and Emma (her 28 year old daughter the 'saviour') are now stuck back in fairytale land and have made allies with Sleeping Beauty and Mulan after accidentally killing Prince Phillip. yadda yadda time goes on, they try to get home to charming and Henry (emma's son) and team up with the sexual innuendo-revengle-fuled Captain Hook who has the hots for Emma, they climb the beanstalk together and almost kill a giant but instead Emma befriends the giant and trapped Captain Hook, fearing he will betray them. Not knowing doing that will cause him to later tear out Aurora's heart (Sleeping Beauty) much to the dismay of Mulan (who we're 70% sure is in love with Aurora)

Anyway a lot of stuff happens and BAM they're home in Storybrooke Maine. Regina (the evil queen that cast the curse) is in hiding as everybody wants to murder her, and she herself is framed for the murder of Jimminy Cricket by her shapeshifting mother. Jimminy Cricket however is not dead. Cora'd.

The family tree on the show is even more messed up. Here's a diagram (not made by me):
'Regina is Gold’s daughter, and Neal is Gold’s son, then Regina is Neal’s sister and Henry would be Regina’s nephew, biologically. Regina is also Snow’s stepmother, and Henry’s adoptive mother, so that would make Henry Snow’s adoptive brother. As Snow’s brother, Henry would be the uncle to any of Snow’s children. AKA, Emma. He is his own mother’s uncle. He is also Emma’s son and therefore his own great uncle. You should start drinking now because it only gets worse. 

Furthermore, Henry is Emma’s son. Henry’s adoptive sister is Snow (through Regina having been the parent of both) which makes Snow Emma’s child, alongside her “brother” Henry. Emma is her mother’s mother. And Charming would be her son-in-law. Making Emma her own grandmother. And Henry Emma’s great grandson.

If Emma is Henry’s great grandmother, any mother he has (not just herself) would be considered Emma’s granddaughter. Regina is Henry’s adoptive mother and therefore is Emma’s granddaughter. Snow is also Regina’s stepchild, making Snow Emma’s great granddaughter. And Emma is quickly realized to be her own great great grandmother. Not to mention that Emma is now Henry’s great great great grandmother.

Also, with Regina being Henry’s aunt (being his father’s sister) AND his adoptive mother, he is his own cousin. Regina is her nephew’s mother. And having been Snow’s mother as well she is Henry’s great grandmother. Making her brother (Henry’s father) her grandson. At this point the OUaT writers are cackling madly while stirring their cauldron.' -Tumlr user mitigatedwrath

Here's a more complicated tree including all characters:

So yeah, I'm unsure what this blog turned into but I'll elaborate more soon.

Promo's for the show:


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