Wednesday 13 March 2013

13/03/2013 - Review of 1x01 of Rookie Blue.

Rookie Blue is a cop procedural that I enjoy. I have seen all the episodes to date and I'm eagerly awaiting the new season like many others. What makes this show so appealing to it's semi-large audience you ask? It's pretty simple. Sex.

If you have ever watched the TV show 'Grey's Anatomy' you will know that it starts with sex and that's basically the only steady plot line that runs through it unscathed  Rookie Blue and Grey's Anatomy are very much the same, except one is full of sex crazed doctors-in-training who are sleeping with people they should be sleeping with and the other is full of sex crazed rookie cops who are also sleeping with people they shouldn't be sleeping with.

The episode starts off in a bar, pretty cliche if you aks me, but then again, everything is cliche. There is a cop car outside and many officers handcuffing people and slamming them down onto the bar. They're getting arrested.

Wrong, they just graduated and are now becoming Rookies and this is a sort of cop haze. Get out of the handcuffs any way you know how, winner gets free drinks, losers pay. So now all 5 rookies are desperately trying to get out of the cuffs. Well except for the peroxide blonde, she's looking around before she spots her brother who has an extra key, she cheats using that to get out. Except it's not cheating because she used a way she knew would get her out. They all seem in good spirits at that point, but when it cuts to the next scene the rest of the rookies (Minus blondie) are drinking and telling McNally that she got robbed of winning, she immediately says that she wasn't because blondie just did what she knew would work.

There's some drunken bar chat before it cuts to the opening screen, an establishing shot of Toronto with 'rookie blue' written over it. Telling you where it is set and the show name.

Then we see each rookie arriving. Peroxide blondie marches in with her bag, Strong guy (Diaz) is in his car praying, and Traci (McNally's best friend) is rising up in a red sports car and kisses a detective, first rule break of the show. Skinny guy (Dov) arrives on a bike and parks up. The only one we don't see arrive in a vehicle is Andy McNally, the one doing the voice over (another similarity to Grey's Anatomy's Meredith Grey, the main character doing a voice over at the beginning). We see her running in. 

"Serve, Protect, and don't screw up."

Great slogan, love it. We next see the Rookies get paired with their training officers, none of which seem to really like their charges except for McNally's officer - Oliver. We follow her  in her squad car as they accept a '15:19' call in.

We next see just a few scenes of a woman complaining about people fighting. Gun shots. Oliver is quick to radio in and he goes into the house with a nervous McNally who is jumpy. She's a scared new cop who's first job is gun shots. 

Traci and her training officer arrive as back-up.

Oliver and McNally go into the apartment and there is a girl laying on the ground, no apparent gun shot wound. McNally begins to preform Mouth-to-mouth on her against her officers rules, knowing that she could catch something.

Next are some filler scenes between Dov and blondie (I cant for the life of me remember her name even though I like the show). PW (police woman) is required to do a search on a woman, although the woman is transgender. So Dov is called in, the drivers licence says Male so Dov is left to check, much to his dismay.

Ironically, concerning the class we had earlier, the line 'Fake it 'till you make it' was just used.

Traci and McNally are sent to find the suspect. McNally finds the suspect and another man but cant stop him because she doesn't know how. She chases them, almost getting hit by a detectives car.

McNally is jumpy as she searches the alley. She finds the suspect and captures him as he says 'you don't want to do this' as she lays charges on him. He says he's 'On the job'. Andy proudly escorts both men back.

My first time watching this I really hated this part, she seemed to really jump the gun and it wasn't what I expected out of her, she's the main character and it felt like she was making a huge mistake.

Back at the scene my suspicions were proves correct as her training officer seemed annoyed at her, and upon seeing the men in the back he sarcastically said 'Amazing'. My suspicions about him being a cop so far were panning out. Seriously I would be a better cop than every tv show cop ever. They're just not observant enough.

The acting on this show is very good, they keep in character so well and keep the accents (some of the actors do not have the drawl) and I really like actors who can do that, perfect mind and they're the best, they can pretty much go after any role if they master accents and that's what makes me appreciate these scenes.

Traci begins to try and question a little boy she found at the scene, she points out how he obviously doesn't live in the run down druggy apartment complex as he is wearing high end clothing and shoes.

More filler stuff, didn't really pay much more attention until I knew that I needed to. And because I've seen this 3 times I know when to tune in.

Woman says she saw a guy in an orange shirt before the gun shot. Doesn't seem important.

Guy confirmed to be a cop, Sam Swarek. He is outed in front of his source, and he's really annoyed that 8 months of undercover work is now ruined because of McNally.

We're only half way through.

Swarek begin to beat the hell out of his locker, kicking and hitting it as McNally walks into the male's locker room, she watches him and yells 'is that working for you?'. They fight as Swarek begins to get dressed in front of her, neither of them seem to really care about this fact. It's no until he takes off his jeans that she leaves as he's going to shower.

McNally gets more info from Swarek and she asks her training officer to take her back to the scene because of the info, Oliver laughs and agree's, he believes Swarek gave her fake info to get back at her for busting him.

Traci is now with Joel (the boy she found) and his father, she exposes his drug addiction. The father didn't mean to leave his son there, he kept trying to go back apparently. Traci and her training officer don't really believe it.

McNally officially meets the detective that almost ran her down, they flirt. She chastises herself for such a bad line as she goes to search another building. This didn't really surprise me, it seemed like it was going to happen, which also means it's the anti-canon pairing, the one that fights against the fan wanted one, which at this point I had guessed was McNally and Swarek.

McNally cuts her hand on some glass as the guy who was previously noted as having an orange shirt points a gun at her, he found the gun apparently.

Oliver cant contact McNally.

McNally is not unlocking her cuts subtly, turns out the start of this episode comes in handy. McNally gets out of the cuffs and points her gun at the orange shirt guy, begging him not to make her kill him on her first day. He agrees.

She arrests him, making a correct arrest. She doesn't look happy this time she looks frightened as if she's about to cry.

Oliver looks proud of her for capturing the guy and retrieving the murder weapon. There's more filler stuff near the end of the episode, Oliver says how he used to work with a man called McNally, Andy's father. She confirms it's definitely him.

McNally approaches Swarek at the bar and tries to apologize, but he doesn't accept it, saying she ruined his chances to catch a guy as he was 2 weeks away from his target.

The rookie group happily at the bar laughing, drinking and talking, Swarek look to Andy as the bar scene ends.

We see Traci counting down into her phone from 27 and entering her house, she has a son.

The episode ends back at the bar with McNally speaking to her father. It's a sweet scene and he gives her his old badge, to keep in the family.

I really enjoy the show rookie blue and I thought that this was a very good Pilot episode as it introduced every single character in individual ways and set up a love triangle and a love affair, it appeal to those who love the show Grey's Anatomy (Like me), It's nicely edited, could be better, the continuity was as best as it could get as far as I saw, but this was only one episode. Rookie Blue is an interesting show and I give it a 4 out of 5 stars, it loses one star for being yet another procedural crime drama and for mimicking the premise of Grey's anatomy.

Watch the promo for the episode here:


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