Monday 3 June 2013

03/06/2013 - Acoustic Enviroments

Indoor Acoustics:

Live Room:
A Live room is a studio room where a singular musician or band records. The rooms bounce the music around the room that pleasing to the ears. These rooms are more commonly known as a recording studio. The live rooms are so named because they are supposed to sound 'Alive' - it's supposed to be a natural thing, and be natural sounding.  
The video to the right of the screen is of a live room event, unfortunately none of the browsers on this computer will run youtube due to them needing an update that only an administrator can provide, so I haven't been able to watch this video myself.


Dead Room:

Dead rooms are rooms that have little (to no) echo or reverberation, it's considered a dead room, because it's an unnatural state of quiet. Ultimate dead rooms are called Anechoic Chambers, which is a room made in a certain way so that it creates no echo at all, these rooms are used more commonly for scientific and measurement purposes rather than to record music. If you're in a dead room, you can hear yourself breathing and everything sounds unnatural, and when recorded, it sounds flat.
[SORRY!] Once again, I'd like to point out that I do not know what the quality or content of this video is, I hope it's useful, as soon as I'm on a different computer I will be checking the video's out. [SORRY!]

Outdoor acoustics

Outdoor Recordings:
Recording outdoors may be a fun thing to do, but unless nature and man kind is what you want to hear, it doesn't always work in your favor. There's way too much reverberation to record something of class. Although there are things to stop this, such as wind shields, or dead cats. Dead cats keep out a lot of background noise so they are prime when trying to record outside.

Simulated acoustics:


3/06/2013 - The Presentation Styles and Techniques Of Presenters.

Presenters have to be professional at what they do, but they all also need to have a personality that matches their topic. they need to fir their role and appeal to the target audience. 

News presenters have to learn how to carry themselves with confidence and professionalism, they cant afford to use slang or mispronounce something, because it could cost them their job if they insult somebody. They always have to stay authoritative over the audience, otherwise they wouldn't be taken seriously.

This Also applies to the way they dress, they have to be presentable, because if they showed up in a clowN outfit, nobody would take what they have to say seriously, no matter if they had done everything else right.

Continuity Announcer:
Continuity Announcers are the voice you recognize, the female or male who begin to speak just as a show begins or right after it ends, they're always there, and if you watch enough TV you learn to recognize certain voices and you know if you want to listen. These people are never usually seen, but I'm sure once or twice in the past they probably have been.

They have to sound convincing, they really have to put their heart into whatever they're trying to make you do, and if they're trying to make you stay to watch another show and they just said "Stay tuned for the next show", you wouldn't be very interested, because you'd have no idea what they're talking about, so they have to sound happy and really sell the show, making you stay and watch.
They have to reach the audience in any way possible, continuity announcers that have been around for a long time are genuinely funny, and those are the voices people recognize, the ones that have previously brought a smile to their face or made them laugh, people will stay to listen to that person if they start speaking. 

The announces try to sound like a friend, usually starting with "How good was that!" or something that relates to show, and it makes you feel like you weren't alone whilst watching it.

Broadcast Journalist
Broadcast Journalists are around to appear knowledgeable and the topic at hand. They must research the topics at hand, or get somebody to do it for them. They mustn't go wrong or they could be fires, along with whoever got their information, especially if it was live.

Their image and voice must reinforce the fact that they know what they're doing, and know what they're talking about.

Magazine Program Presenter
 Magazine presenters are much like broadcast journalists in the way that they have to seem knowledgeable about what they're talking about, except they have to be more knowledgeable and have that knowledge stretch over a wide range of subjects, though this is never to a deep level.

They have to have a similar approach to what they do to that of paper magazine. They must also remain in control of what they're doing, and make sure they link all of their material together so nothing looks wrong. 

They will also be expected to conduct interviews and have decent techniques and know the correct way to address the person they're interviewing, and know the correct questions to ask to get the biggest response. 

Lifestyle Program Presenter
Lifestyle show presenters usually have a very specific audience, and the presents are usually picked to relate to that audience, and nobody else, and the presents usually have a good amount of control as to what they say, but the producers do have an input.

Documentary Presenter
Documentary presenters don't have to be in shot when they present the show, like David Attenborough, they can just be a voice over for the entire show. These presents, like lifestyle ones, have a lot of control as to what they say, although they have to know what they're talking about, because a documentary cant have incorrect facts.

 DJ (Disc Jockey) are people on the radios, they're usually a personality voice that people can relate to. Unlike others, they don't really have to have knowledge of the music they're playing; they just need to be able to connect with the audience.

They have to sound like the listeners, be happy and act like a friend, they wouldn't talk like a news presenter, and instead they would use slang and buzzwords, make jokes and keep in touch with what's currently the main interest.

Chat Show Host
 Chat show hosts also have a lot of control about what they do, especially late night chat shows, almost nothing is scripted because to connect with he audience that is viewing they need to be original and sounds like they know everything, they also need to keep a relaxed atmosphere to make guests and the audience feel comfortable. 

Chat show hosts become the stars of their own shows, no matter who the guest is, they're always the main event; everything has to be about them, so everything is. After all the show is usually their name, and people tune in every week because of them. it gives them a very large ego, and people like Graham Norton begin to stop caring about what they say, because the show is named after them, and without them the show stops. it basically gives them immunity to being cut, especially if they bring in large numbers of viewers to the station weekly.

Game Show Host
 Game show hosts are definitely more organized than chat show hosts, although the shows have a very similar premise, game shows are often filled with bad jokes and people trying to be funny - that's because it's mostly scripted. You will find that a lot of the time the only funny things that are mentioned are actually non-scripted.

They always have to appear as if they are in control of every situation, otherwise they cant maintain the right appearance of superiority. Along with this they have to be lively and entertaining, going back to what I just said, this is usually all scripted. 

Contestants have to feel relaxed around them, in the game show host makes them uncomfortable or nervous, it makes out for a very awkward episode; this also ties into thinking quickly. They have to be very fats on their feet, so if any situation of uncomfortableness or nervousness should arise, they can calm the situation down.